Ноты The Judy Garland souvenir songbook
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01. Every Sunday (1936)02. Pigskin parade (1936)
03. Broadway melody of 1938 (1937)
04. You made me love you
05. Listen, darling (1938)
06. Zing! Went the string of my heart
07. Thoroughbred don't cry (1937)
08. Everybody sing (1938)
09. Love finds andy hardy (1938)
10. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
11. Over the rainbow
12. We're off to see the wizard
13. Babes in arms
14. I'm just wild about Harry
15. I cried for you
16. Andy Hardy meets debutante (1940)
17. Strike up the band (1940)
18. Our love affair
19. Little Nellie Kelly
20. It's great day for the Irish
21. Life begins for Andy Hardy (1941)
22. Ziegfeld girl
23. I'm always chasing rainbows
24. Babes on Broadway
25. How about you?
26. For me and my my gal (1942)
27. For me and my my gal
28. After you're gone
29. Presenting Lily Mars (1943)
30. Every little movement
31. Broadway rhythm
32. Thousands cheer (1943)
33. Girl crazy (1943)
34. Embraceable you
35. Bidin' my time
36. I got rhythm
37. But not for me
38. Meet me in St. Louis (1944)
39. The trolley song
40. Meet me in St. Louis, Louis
41. The boy next door
42. Have yourself a Merry little Christmas
43. The clock (1945)
44. Ziegfeld follies (1946)
45. The Harvey girls (1946)
46. On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe
47. Easter parade (1948)
48. Till the clouds roll by (1946)
49. Who?
50. Look for the silver lining
51. The pirate (1948)
51. Be a clown
52. World and music (1948)
53. I wish I were in love again
54. Johnny one note
55. In the good old summertime (1949)
56. Last night when we were young
57. I don't care
58. Summer stock (1950)
59. Get happy
60. A star is born (1954)
61. The man that got away
62. Swance
63. Pepe (1960)
64. Fudgement at Nuremberg (1961)
65. A child is waiting (1962)
66. Gay Purr-ee
67. Paris ia s lonely town
68. I could go on singing (1963)
69. Hello bluebird
70. By myself
Judy GarlandL In concert
Songs71. Almost like being in love
72. Alone together
73. Am I blue?
74. Any place I half my hat is home
75. Blues in the night
76. Come rain or come shine
77. Comes once in a lifetime
78. Do I love you?
79. From this moment on
80. I happen to like New York
81. If love were all
82. Just in time
83. Life is just a bowl of Cherries
84. Little girl blue
85. Make someone happy
86. Old devil moon
87. Rock-a-Bye your baby with a Dixie melody
88. San Francisco
89. Singin' in the rain
90. Smile
91. Stormy weather
92. That's entertainment
93. This can't be love
94. Through the years
95. What now my love
96. When you're smiling
97. You got to my head
Judy Garland: Family photos & songs
98. Judy99. Liza
100. Happiness is a thing called Joe
101. Lorna
102. Filmography
103. Judy Garland's most famous concerts
104. Judy Garland on Television
105. Judy Garland discography
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Исполнитель | Judy Garland |
Инструменты | Фортепиано / Голос / Гитара |
Жанр | Эстрада |
Уровень | Средний |
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